This Supercharged american beast produces 550 Horsepower and has a top speed of 212. It can go from 0-60 in 3.3 seconds. But in the game they downgraded the car alot. I have only gotten it to 199 so far. also the handling is a little sluggish. they have made it a little too heavy. Way to ruin a classic nfsw! also at 5000 boost now 3000 boost its a better time than ever to get it. if you want a fun ride great looking car this is amazing! its like the dodge viper. times 10.
10/24/2011 06:53:43 am

Nice review, not bad for ur first one.

oh yeah and btw, the reason why its 3k boost is cuz it was on a SALE, thn it will go back to 5k boost...

10/24/2011 07:47:16 am

Nice car review epic! Also, my OPINION is that the Ford GT is on sale because it will be for in-game cash soon. THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION, I AM NOT SURE IF IT WILL COME FOR IN-GAME CASH, SO DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP lol.

10/25/2011 07:14:52 am

I already have it so no reason to get my hopes up :) Maybe, Just Maybe the Audi TTRS and Ford GT (because their on sale) might, just might become our next igc cars


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